Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Hi Folks

I really got held up with my work so dint get time to update my blog for long. I heard many of my friends got this thyroid problem in them in mid of 30s and later age. So just thought of helping those to certain extent with yoga practices which i am aware of. Here you go with the functions of thyroid gland and how yoga helps in curing it. Please refer my other posts to know much better on the poses which are mentioned here.

The body's metabolism is regulated by the endocrine system, particularly the thyroid gland. Yoga for hypothyroidism is considered to be effective as it has a positive effect on the organs of the endocrine system, especially by stimulating the parathyroid and thyroid glands. The twisting, stretching, and compressing caused by the yoga poses for hypothyroidism help in providing the endocrine organs with a massage and also improve their functioning.

Yoga poses for hypothyroidism

Yoga is one of the few natural remedies that have shown promise as treatment for hypothyroidism. Different yoga poses have been studied and have been proven to work, although more studies are needed before yoga can be undertaken as a course of treatment for hypothyroidism. The most recommended pose for hypothyroidism is the Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose). Ancient texts vouch for the efficacy of this pose, and recent studies have also confirmed that this pose really does help in improving hypothyroidism.

The steps involved in the shoulder stand are given below:

- Lie flat on your back.
- Lift your legs as high as possible while your waist is still in contact with the ground.
- Now lift up your waist so that your toes go behind your head.
- Bring your waist up perpendicular to the ground, so that your neck forms a right angle. Your chin should go into the hollow of your throat and your back should be perfectly straight, with your shoulders bearing the weight of your body.
- Hold your waist in position by holding it with both hands and bracing your elbows on the ground.
- Now, straighten your legs till they are straight up so that your entire body’s weight is on your shoulders.
- Hold this post for as long as possible.

How does yoga help with hypothyroidism?

Unlike medication, yoga does not directly influence the thyroid gland to start functioning better in any way. Most of the benefits that you see will be small and very gradual, and you need to practice these poses over months to see improvement. It has, however, been proved that they do help and that doing these poses does have long-term benefits.

This is because these poses promote blood flow to certain regions of the body. This increased blood flow replenishes the organs in these regions, helping them function better. Over time, many organs gain full functionality if they have not suffered irreparable damage. Also, yoga promotes the flow of healing energy in the body. This is the reason why the practice of yogic breathing called pranayama is considered important, and in many cases, pranayama should be adhered to strictly while performing or holding certain postures to gain full benefits. Although not as explicitly detailed as in Chinese medicine, ancient Indian medicine also considers that many illnesses in the body are caused by interruption or blockage of the flow of energy, and pranayama is considered essential in restoring this function. Almost all pranayama procedures are considered good for the thyroid gland, starting from the Single Nostril Breathing to the Lion Pose.

Pranayama for thyroid treatment

Pranayama can be described as the yogic art or the science of breath control. This practice manipulates your breath in several different ways. There are various types of breathing exercises included in Pranayama; these are –

Nadi Suddhi or Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Kapalbhati (The Breath of Fire)
Brahmari (The Bumblebee Breath)
Ujjayi (The Victorious Breath)

Ujjayi or the Victorious Breath is widely recommended for treating thyroid problems, as this breathing technique clears out the toxins from the body. This practice also enables you to take in enough oxygen to build vital energy.

To practice Ujjayi Pranayama for thyroid problems, you need to breathe from your mouth, rather than your nose. Given below are the steps you need to follow for this
breathing technique –

- Sit in a comfortable yoga meditative pose, like the Sukhasana (The Easy Pose) or the Padmasana (The Lotus Pose)
- Draw in a long, deep breath, using both your nostrils.
- Exhale thoroughly through your mouth, producing a “HHAAA” sound from your throat

Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times, in one go. Start off by practicing it 3 times a day and gradually build it up to 10. Ujjayi Pranayama should be practiced no more than 11 times a day.


  1. Hi Sourmya, I had a quick question about your blog and was hoping you could email me when you get the chance, thanks! - Emily

  2. HI Emily

    May i know whats your question. I added you in my gmail list :)


  3. Yoga has a mysterious charm. Reading about its manyYoga Asanas benefits and looking at the super flexible Yogis practice the asanas with ease can be quite enticing.

  4. Some effective Yoga postures for Thyroid problems are: Narishodhan Pranayam, Sarvangasan, Suryabhedi Pranayam, Shitali Pranayam, Ujjayi Pranayam, Bhastrika pranayam, Sitkari pranayam and Bhramari pranayam. Yoga for Thyroid


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