Thursday, October 22, 2020

New You Tube Channel For all House Wife

Hello friends, 

This is my new you tube channel for all house wife. Kindly take a took and pass your comments.

Kindly go through my channel videos, subscribe and let me know what videos you need from me so that i can post and help you to know things better.

Its been long time since I posted new stuffs in blog. I became little busy with my family. Hope all are doing good in this corona situation.

Waiting to post many more videos in you tube as per your request. All my friends and followers you are all welcome to ask me anything. I can share with you whatever you need for your healthy life.

Once again thanks for your support an encouragement to do things in a better way.

see you bubyeee...

Monday, April 1, 2019



In fact, there is one particular yoga pose that can boost your testosterone levels by as much as 33% after just 2-3 minutes. The Cobra: The Cobra is considered a pose of vitality and vigor in yoga and research now shows that it can actually boost your testosterone levels.


The Cobra is considered a pose of vitality and vigor in yoga and research now shows that it can actually boost your testosterone levels.

How do you do the Cobra pose?

The Cobra is a pretty straightforward yoga posture. Here’s how you do it:

  • Start by lying on your stomach with the tops of your feet on the floor. Your legs should be approximately hip width apart.
  • Now engage your back muscles and raise your head and chest off the floor. Your arms should only be used for support. Never press down with your arms.
  • As you engage your back muscles and bring your head and chest off the floor, press your pubic bone into the ground.
  • Remember to breathe slowly through your nose. Hold the pose for 2-3 minutes before returning to the floor.

Here are the list of simple and easy habits that you can utilize to help increase your testosterone levels. Apart from helping to build muscles, testosterone keeps us healthy. It helps us burn more fat, have more focus and more energy, get better sleep, control our stress, makes us fertile, and much, much more. If you haven’t already seen studies about the lowered levels of testosterone in the 21st century, let me just put out a few facts:

    Testosterone levels of men are 25% lower than they were in the 1980s. Your dad had more testosterone that you did.
    People are fatter, which means that they have less testosterone as well.
    Cell phones are killing your testosterone, and we didn’t have to deal with those until a few years ago either.
    Our foods are less nutritious, which means we aren’t producing as much testosterone.
    It’s harder to get a job, people make less real income, and we typically work longer hours. All of this leads to more stress, and lowered testosterone production.

That’s the reality of it. Fortunately, I’m going to give you habits that you can very easily adapt.

    Take an ice bath or a cold shower. Also known as the “James Bond shower”, studies have proven that taking cold showers (even if it’s just 5 or 10 minutes) leads to increased blood flow, faster metabolism, a boosted immune system, and more. Do a quick google search to see for yourself.

    Eat 6 Brazil nuts every day – 3 in the morning, and 3 in the evening. Brazil nuts have a huge amount of selenium, which has been linked to higher testosterone production.

    Stop carrying your cell phone in your pocket. That radioactive box is killing your sperm.

    Incorporate slow breathing into your yoga routine. The inherent movements of yoga lead to lowered stress levels. In almost every study that I’ve seen, even if other results have been inconclusive, the group in the study that participated in yoga classes multiple times per week reported lowered stress levels and more overall satisfaction with their lives. When you’re stressed, your body produces cortisol, which inhibits testosterone production. Basically – you’re standing on a seesaw when it comes to cortisol production and testosterone production. Choose more on one, or more of the other.

    Do exercises that focus on strengthening your core. In a study done conducted in 1974 at the Benares Hindu University, a dozen men with an average age of 23 underwent six months of vigorous yoga training. The poses they started with were cobra, seated twist, wheel, and full lotus, and progressed to locust, bow, shoulder stand, and plow. The end result was an average testosterone production increase of 57%.

    Meditation. Less stress means less cortisol, and as we discussed before, this means more testosterone production. If the thought of meditation bores or frustrates you, try sitting in a chair and focusing on deeply breathing in and out of your nose. Relax your shoulders. Think about what you want to accomplish. Be grateful for what you have accomplished, and for the people and other things in your life. Avoid worrying about laundry or bills. Boom. You just meditated.

    Limit your sugar consumption. Some sugar is necessary to survive (like sugars found in vegetables), but you don’t need artificial or added sugars to live. Studies have shown that high levels of insulin lead to low testosterone, and insulin secretion is caused by glucose intake.

    Get around 8 hours of high quality sleep every night. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is the best thing that you can do for your health, even more important than dieting or exercise. But it’s also important to get higher quality sleep. More sleep means less stress, fewer cravings (the ones that result from a night of poor sleep), and more recovery time for your body (not to mention countless other benefits), and these are all things that help improve testosterone.

    Minimize your alcohol intake. I know that drinking is normally seen as manly by most societies, but the truth is that alcohol is minimizing your testosterone production. It lowers your sleep quality, dehydrates you, and, as a diuretic, robs you of vitamins and minerals (by pissing them out).


Monday, November 12, 2018



The quickest way to naturally get rid of bags or at least reduce their appearance is to do facial yoga exercises.  It specifically targets under eye bags and wrinkles.  The method is a quick, simple to perform and can be done anywhere.

Here’s how to do this quick facial stretch:

Look straight ahead
Open your mouth wide making a long “O” shape
Look upward without moving your forehead
Hold the stretch for 5 seconds
Repeat 3 times

Other things you can do to get rid of puffy eyes and reduce the appearance of wrinkles in addition to performing the above are:

Reduce salt intake
Sleep on your back
Stop smoking
Protect your eyes from UV rays
Reduce alcohol intake

Is there anything that yoga can’t solve? No, there is nothing. You can find all the solutions for your problems in yoga. For puffy eyes, it is even simpler. The beauty of yoga is that it fixes the cause, eliminating the occurrence of the problem. Asanas that apply pressure to the head and allow fresh blood to gush towards it work wonders for puffy eyes.

If you need help choosing the right kind of asana, and the manner of its practice. We got it covered here for you. All you have to do are as follows

Yoga Exercises To Reduce Puffy Eyes

Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
Halasana (Plow Pose)
Chakrasana (Wheel Pose)
Salamba Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand)
Salamba Sirsasana (Head Stand)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018


Hey Guys

Hope you all are doing good. Its been long time i was in touch with you people. I delivered my second baby before three years and i am really got held up managing both the kids, my routine work personally and professionally. Just he completed 3 years and i thought why not again ill get in touch with you people to make your life simple, healthy and happy :)

From now you can expect updates from me often without fail. Today i thought of posting you some exercise to make you look young all the time. Join with me to know about it more.........

Follow below things regularly in your life and you see difference in your appearance physically. You loooooookkkk more younger.

First thing you do in the morning as soon as you wake up is you have to drink at least one glass of water in empty stomach which will do lot of magic in your whole day.

Second thing you do is sit in your comfortable position and do kabalpathi  

Importance of practicing Kapal Bhati Pranayama

“When you do pranayama, 80% of the toxins in our body are released through the outgoing breath. Regular practice of Kapal Bhati Pranayama detoxifies all the systems in our body. And the obvious sign of a healthy body is a shining forehead,” shares Dr. Sejal Shah, a Sri Sri Yoga teacher.

Kapal Bhati literally translates to ‘the shining forehead,’ and this is precisely what happens with regular practice of this pranayama – a forehead that glows not just from outside, but also an intellect that becomes sharp and refined.

How to do Kapal Bhati Pranayama

    Sit comfortably with your spine erect. Place your hands on the knees with palms open to the sky.

 Kapalbhati Pranayama

    Take a deep breath in.
    As you exhale, pull your stomach. Pull your navel in back towards the spine. Do as much as you 

    comfortably can. You may keep your right hand on the stomach to feel the abdominal muscles    
    As you relax the navel and abdomen, the breath flows into your lungs automatically.
    Take 20 such breaths to complete one round of Kapal Bhati Pranayama.
    After completing the round, relax with your eyes closed and observe the sensations in your body.
    Do two more rounds of Kapal Bhati Pranayama.

4 tips to be used while practicing Kapal Bhati Pranayama

    The exhalation in the Skull Shining Breathing technique is active and forceful. So, just throw out

    your breath. Don't worry about the inhalation. The moment you relax your abdominal muscles,  
    inhalation will happen naturally. Keep your awareness on breathing out. Practice this technique at 
    home on an empty stomach.

8 Benefits of Kapal Bhati Pranayama

    Increases the metabolic rate and aids in weight loss
    Clears the nadis (subtle energy channels)
    Stimulates abdominal organs and thus is extremely useful to those with diabetes
    Improves blood circulation and adds radiance to the face
    Improves digestive tract functioning, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients
    Results in a taut and trimmed down belly
    Energizes the nervous system and rejuvenates brain cells
    Calms and uplifts the mind

Kindly follow this and see the change in yourself. It takes just 15 mins of your time in early morning. See the magic and let me know your comments.

Thanks Guys

Wednesday, April 30, 2014



Hi Folks

I really got held up with my work so dint get time to update my blog for long. I heard many of my friends got this thyroid problem in them in mid of 30s and later age. So just thought of helping those to certain extent with yoga practices which i am aware of. Here you go with the functions of thyroid gland and how yoga helps in curing it. Please refer my other posts to know much better on the poses which are mentioned here.

The body's metabolism is regulated by the endocrine system, particularly the thyroid gland. Yoga for hypothyroidism is considered to be effective as it has a positive effect on the organs of the endocrine system, especially by stimulating the parathyroid and thyroid glands. The twisting, stretching, and compressing caused by the yoga poses for hypothyroidism help in providing the endocrine organs with a massage and also improve their functioning.

Yoga poses for hypothyroidism

Yoga is one of the few natural remedies that have shown promise as treatment for hypothyroidism. Different yoga poses have been studied and have been proven to work, although more studies are needed before yoga can be undertaken as a course of treatment for hypothyroidism. The most recommended pose for hypothyroidism is the Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand Pose). Ancient texts vouch for the efficacy of this pose, and recent studies have also confirmed that this pose really does help in improving hypothyroidism.

The steps involved in the shoulder stand are given below:

- Lie flat on your back.
- Lift your legs as high as possible while your waist is still in contact with the ground.
- Now lift up your waist so that your toes go behind your head.
- Bring your waist up perpendicular to the ground, so that your neck forms a right angle. Your chin should go into the hollow of your throat and your back should be perfectly straight, with your shoulders bearing the weight of your body.
- Hold your waist in position by holding it with both hands and bracing your elbows on the ground.
- Now, straighten your legs till they are straight up so that your entire body’s weight is on your shoulders.
- Hold this post for as long as possible.

How does yoga help with hypothyroidism?

Unlike medication, yoga does not directly influence the thyroid gland to start functioning better in any way. Most of the benefits that you see will be small and very gradual, and you need to practice these poses over months to see improvement. It has, however, been proved that they do help and that doing these poses does have long-term benefits.

This is because these poses promote blood flow to certain regions of the body. This increased blood flow replenishes the organs in these regions, helping them function better. Over time, many organs gain full functionality if they have not suffered irreparable damage. Also, yoga promotes the flow of healing energy in the body. This is the reason why the practice of yogic breathing called pranayama is considered important, and in many cases, pranayama should be adhered to strictly while performing or holding certain postures to gain full benefits. Although not as explicitly detailed as in Chinese medicine, ancient Indian medicine also considers that many illnesses in the body are caused by interruption or blockage of the flow of energy, and pranayama is considered essential in restoring this function. Almost all pranayama procedures are considered good for the thyroid gland, starting from the Single Nostril Breathing to the Lion Pose.

Pranayama for thyroid treatment

Pranayama can be described as the yogic art or the science of breath control. This practice manipulates your breath in several different ways. There are various types of breathing exercises included in Pranayama; these are –

Nadi Suddhi or Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
Kapalbhati (The Breath of Fire)
Brahmari (The Bumblebee Breath)
Ujjayi (The Victorious Breath)

Ujjayi or the Victorious Breath is widely recommended for treating thyroid problems, as this breathing technique clears out the toxins from the body. This practice also enables you to take in enough oxygen to build vital energy.

To practice Ujjayi Pranayama for thyroid problems, you need to breathe from your mouth, rather than your nose. Given below are the steps you need to follow for this
breathing technique –

- Sit in a comfortable yoga meditative pose, like the Sukhasana (The Easy Pose) or the Padmasana (The Lotus Pose)
- Draw in a long, deep breath, using both your nostrils.
- Exhale thoroughly through your mouth, producing a “HHAAA” sound from your throat

Repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times, in one go. Start off by practicing it 3 times a day and gradually build it up to 10. Ujjayi Pranayama should be practiced no more than 11 times a day.

Thursday, October 17, 2013



Everyday activities such as using the computer, driving, or even curling up with a good book can create tension in the neck and shoulders. It’s no wonder that so many of us have persistent discomfort and pain in these areas. Healing Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain presents simple, yoga-based practices that you can do at work and at home to release muscle tension for immediate relief.

To do away with the ‘pain in the neck’, you have Seven Simple Steps (asanas or yoga postures) that are easy-to-do and won’t eat into your daily busy schedule. The best part of yoga is that it has been into existence for more than five thousand years and it’s still going strong.

Balasana or child’s pose: Kneel on the floor/Place your shin on the floor with toes touching each other. Sit on your heels. With hands by your side, exhale and lay your torso down between your thighs/bend from the waist laying your torso between your thighs. Slowly allow your head to touch the ground. Do as much as possible and don’t strain yourself. Your hands should be resting by the sides of your torso with palms facing upward.Stay in this pose for as far as possible and slowly while inhaling lift yourself back to the same position.Place your hands on your thighs with palms facing the ceiling as in a state of surrender to God. This pose not only relieves you from neck and back pain but also calms your brain. It stretches the hips, thighs and ankles and makes you feel fresh like a child!

Natraja Asana or Reclining Twist: Lie on the floor with your back straight. Slowly lift your right leg and bring it over your left leg. While the left leg remains straight, make sure that the right leg makes a right angle on the floor. Stretch your hands either ways and face rightwards. Take few deep breaths, while being in this pose for thirty seconds. Repeat the same with your left leg. While making your muscles more flexible, it takes you to that state of contentment and bliss. Interestingly, this is the dancing pose of Shiva. Feel that Shiva tattva everywhere!

Bitilasana or Cow Pose: Start with your shin placed on the floor and the rest of the body postured in a table-top position (that is with your thighs, torso and hands). Make sure to have your knees directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows and shoulders must be in line, perpendicular to the floor and so should be your thighs. Your torso must be parallel to the floor.Being in this posture, inhale and pull your tummy inwards towards the floor and lift your head upwards. Remain in this posture for a while and follow with the Cat posture (given below).

Marjaryasana or Cat Pose: Sequentially, exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling and bring your head inwards. Gently bring your chin towards your chest. Continue these two poses (cow and cat pose) in sequence while you inhale and exhale. Doing this would provide a gentle massage to your spine and belly organs absolutely free of cost, while also relieving you of neck pain! Just for fun, you may imitate the voice of a cow and a cat while doing the Cow and Cat Pose: the feel-good factor!

ViparitaKarani asana or Legs-up-the-wall: This one’s simple. Just lay on your back with your legs straight against the wall. Feet must face the ceiling and your legs should be touching the wall. Rest with your arms out to the sides and palms facing upward. Take deep long breaths and breathe out at least fifteen times before you switch to the next pose. This yoga pose gently stretches the back of the neck, relieves mild backache and eases fatigue, helps in avoiding cramps and feet.

UtthitaTrikonasana or Extended Triangle Pose: Initially you stand straight. Now separate your legs as much as you can. With your back straight, extend your hands sideward. Inhale and slowly bend towards the right side, with your right hand touching your ankle and your left hand directed upwards. Look at your left hand while you are positioned in this posture. Remain in this posture as long as you can. Remember, not to stretch yourself beyond your limits. The purpose of Yoga is to relieve you from pain, not to give additional pain. Let us see what follows next!

Savasana or Corpse Pose: Whoa! This one is the simplest of all. This to-do step requires that you do just nothing! It requires the body to be placed in a neutral position. Lie on the floor, straight. Keep your neck and back straight and feet slightly separated. Hands must be by the sides, facing upwards. This is supposed to be the last in the sequence of asanas or yoga postures. Body must be in this position for at least five minutes for deep relaxation to muscles and self.

Also i would like to display a video of baba ramdev for neck and shoulder pain. You can do those steps also to get relief from all pains.

I hope that you bid your neck pain a goodbye by following these simple yoga poses and live a relaxed, stress free life. Till then happy posing in these yoga poses :).

Please get back to me if you have any questions :)

Sunday, September 29, 2013



Hello friends

One of the users have requested for yoga which will help in hearing loss. I have referred few books and sites for this article. Hope this will help.

A low hearing problem could be due to clogged ears or an infection. Yoga can be practiced to cure clogged ears and earaches. Certain yoga postures can even be used to treat acute ear pain. A diagnosis of the main cause of the ear pain should be performed before using any type of medication. If there is an ear infection, then you must first bring about a healing to the infection before using any alternative treatment. An effective yoga exercise for the ears is yoga nidra in which you need to sit cross legged and perform breathing exercises. Another good yoga pose is Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose).

You can refer the pose here. 7th step in surya namaskar

The vision and hearing of an individual is largely dependent on the eyes and ears that receive an excellent supply of blood to the nerves in these two organs. The blood vessels and the nerves that supply blood to the eyes and ears go across or through the neck. Due to stressful lifestyles and hectic schedule sometimes the neck becomes inflexible, and due to this condition the blood supply from the nerves to the eyes and ears become restricted. When the supply of blood is low to the organs, impairment is caused in the functioning of these organs thus affecting their capacity. The positions and poses in yoga help to exercise the neck and enhanced the present condition. Through regular exercise of yogasanas, better eyesight and improved hearing can take place. It is possible that the deficiency in zinc may be causing the problem of decreased hearing. Ensure that you get the right amount of zinc in your diet through nutritional supplements or food such as seafood and lean meat. Supplements containing magnesium and zinc are known to restore stability to the ear, and helping to resolve the problem of hearing.

Deep breathing techniques or Pranayama is highly recommended to boost the supply of blood to the various parts in the body. A daily schedule of deep breathing sessions for at least 20 minutes will reveal positive results to all the parts of the body, especially an improvement in the hearing. One particular exercise in yoga known as yawning can help to fight the loss of hearing.

Please refer below link for pranayam.

I also read in article like the below yoga exercise had helped few people in sorting out this hearing loss issue. If you feel interesting you can try this out. Its no way going to harm us. All the best :)

Fitness By Yoga

Appreciate your comments and more requests on yoga.

Thank you everybody who visit this blog.